We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘Basically, Brexit Was a Tantrum — What Should We Do About It?’

24th June 2016

Read it.

Do not be fooled by the title of this publication, ‘Business Insider’ — they have very little to do with business. What they are Inside is the Crust, and they are one of the most reliable Voices of the Crust on the Internet. (Such publications love to adopt titles that suggest that they are businesspeople talking to businesspeople, whereas they are actually ‘progressives’ talking to their base.)

This sort of headline, from the Peter Jennings school of ‘journalism’, is meant to suggest that voters are too stupid to know what to do, which is why the Crust needs to provide some ‘adult supervision’ and save them from themselves. It usually isn’t quite this blatant, but these occasional flashes of honesty lets you peer behind the curtain and see the guy working the dials and levers that make all of the noise and smoke.

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