We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Thought for the Day

12th January 2016

For all the hand-waving and raised eyebrows, I still haven’t seen any evidence that Donald Trump has lied even half as much as Barack Obama, much less Hillary Clinton. Where’s the outrage about that?

At least Trump is entertaining, something that nobody has ever said about Barry or the She-Wolf of Washington.

One Response to “Thought for the Day”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Ultimately, the mass media supports the candidate that is the most entertaining. They LOVED Bill Clinton (with Hillary as the straight man). No matter how slow of a news day, there was ALWAYS a Clinton scandal to report. And it nearly always involved sex and women with big knockers. Hollywood at it’s very “best”.

    However, Hillary sans Bill is a real dragfest. Bernie says things that rock the boat, but he hugs it out with people who try to disrupt his speeches. He’s like that weird uncle that nobody invites to Thanksgiving dinner.

    Most of the Republican candidates are more boring than the Dems. Before you argue, just picture Jeb Bush. My dentist is more interesting, and he has the personality of a brick.

    Trump may be an ass (I think so), but he’s trying hard to show the Republicans what it takes to get the kind of exposure that drags voters to the polls. Would the media love a Trump presidency? Oh, yeah! Would it be good for the country? No, probably not. (Though I would rate it better than if Jeb B. won.)

    To support my position, I suggest going back an looking at presidential races. Who was more interesting and could generate more spicy news pieces?

    Nixon vs. Kennedy? (Nobody was more photogenic than the Kennedys and few had more skeletons in the closet).
    Johnson vs. Goldwater? (Barry had no skeletons; LBJ had warehouses full of them)
    Nixon vs. Humphrey? (A brick would be more interesting than HHH.)
    Nixon vs. McGovern? (Only slightly more interesting than HHH.)
    Ford vs. Carter? (Remember “Billy Beer”? The press couldn’t get enough of Carter.)
    Reagan vs. Carter? (Eventually everybody got tired of Jimmy’s act. And Reagan had Hollywood.)
    Reagan vs. Modale? (See HHH.)
    Bush vs. Dukakis? (OK, toss up here.)
    Clinton vs. Bush? Too easy.
    Clinton vs. Dole? Even easier.
    Bush vs. Gore? (Close call, and close race.)
    Bush vs. Kerry? (Anybody vs. Lurch from the Addams Family)
    Obama vs. McCain? (No matter how hard I try to like McCain, I just can’t do it, and neither could anyone else.)
    Obama vs. Romney? (Obama vs. Obama-lite)