We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Another Narrative Fail

4th December 2015

Monomakhos draws some conclusions.

Here’s how easy it is:

Monomakhos First Universal Law of Official Reportage: “When a mass shooting happens, the longer it takes the Media to report anything about the shooters, then you can be sure that they’re moving heaven and earth to find out anything about him (or them) that would tie them to the NRA/Tea Party/Militia/whatever.” The corollary of this Law is: “When a shooter is white and/or Christian, the speed with which this is reported is instantaneous and the volume and frequency which this will be broadcast will rise in direct proportion to the number of victims.”

Monomokhos Second Universal Law of Media Reportage: “When it is clear that the perpetrator(s) were radicals/Moslems/minorities, then the velocity with which an official grievance group and/or academic panel is assembled will be in direct proportion to the number of victims.”

See? I just popped those off the top of my head. I’m sure that you could come up with your own if you put your minds to it.

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