We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Evicted to Make Room for Culture-Enrichers

26th September 2015

Read it.

This is something we’ve all been expecting: the displacement of native Europeans from their homes to make room for “refugees”.

The governments of various countries have already been requisitioning unoccupied premises and forcing people with “excessive” living space to downsize, but now Germany has actually begun to evict tenants from their apartments so that culture-enrichers may be moved in. The legality of such measures is still under dispute, but from what I hear, the news report below is just the tip of the iceberg — the practice is already widespread.

What’s next? The establishment of Displaced Persons Camps for native Germans who have been evicted?

One Response to “Evicted to Make Room for Culture-Enrichers”

  1. Elganned Says:

    *shrug* They could always reopen Auschwitz; wouldn’t take more than a day or so to get the ovens fired up and ready.
    Put ’em on a train in Hungary, tell ’em they’re bound for Berlin, and…surprise!
    ‘Course, they have better stuff than Zyclon B these days, faster, more efficient. Won’t take more than a month, and voila! You can’t have a refugee crisis without refugees, now, can you?