We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The White Mosque Summit on Countering Kinetic Activism

22nd February 2015

Read it.

As we all know, “Violent Extremism” is a euphemism for “Islamic Terrorism”. However, “violent” is pejorative and inherently discriminatory, and “extremism” implies a value judgment that says “moderate” ideologies are in some way preferable and superior to “extremist” ones.

Therefore I propose that we replace the outmoded phrase “Violent Extremism” with “Kinetic Activism”, which remains value-neutral while still addressing the dangerous tendencies of certain ideological radicals who interpret core documents in ways that negatively impact their fellow humans of all races, creeds, colors, and sexual orientations.

This past week President Barack Hussein Obama (pbuh) convened a summit in Washington D.C. to address the pressing issue of kinetic activism. The second day of the summit opened with an Islamic prayer in Arabic. No other religious invocations were offered — neither Christian, nor Jewish, nor Buddhist, nor Wiccan, nor Ásatruar. Only Muslim.

That makes sense, of course, since Mohammed was the final prophet of the only true religion, whose ministry made all previous avatars irrelevant. So let’s not quibble about the fact that a conclave of responsible theophostics chose to offer a prayer to Allah only, and nothing else. Those esteemed mantics have a legitimate claim to being the best of all people, beloved of Allah. They deserve their righteous privilege.

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