We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Rick Perry and the Democrats’ pattern of “lawfare” against rising Republicans

17th August 2014

Paul Mirengoff at PowerLine gives a lawyer’s  perspective.

The Perry indictment also fits a pattern of harassment via the legal process of prominent Republican governors: Sarah Palin, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, and now Perry.

What do these four have in common? Why, they all are (or were) potentially viable candidates for the national office.

Invocation of the legal process against Christie may well be warranted. (So too with Bob McDonnell, whom I didn’t include in my list because, although once vaguely mentioned as a possible presidential candidate, his prospects never approached those of the other four). In the cases of Palin, Walker, and Perry, the charges seem plainly to have been ginned up in the hope of derailing the governors’ prospects for national office.

This sort of thing is standard operating procedure in countries like Russia and China. Now it is becoming part of the Democrats’ playbook.

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