We have seen the future, and it sucks.

It’s Not Easy Being White!

14th August 2014

Steve Sailer continues his chronicle of those attempting to pass as non-white.

Of course, not everyone is race-obsessed:

“Then there are people who don’t want to rock the boat, who are like, ‘I’m fine; I consider myself American,’” he said.

That attitude is unacceptable. It risks depriving one’s fellow MENAs of the cash benefits that come from being non-white. When Benjamins are at stake, it is no time to be noble.

One thing about MENA: the Middle East includes Jews and Iranians, two of the highest-income ethnic groups in the U.S. Does that matter? Perhaps not. Victimhood isn’t what it used to be. Why shouldn’t the most prosperous among us get their slice of government preferment? I am still waiting for us Norwegian-Americans to get a little special consideration.

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