We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Jihad You Can’t See

20th June 2014

Read it.

The violent jihad in Syria and Iraq is the big guy we all can see. He makes sure we can see him. It’s absolutely necessary that we see him, because his job is to strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, as required by Allah.

The little guy that we can’t see is somewhere else. His most recent invisible appearance was at the Vatican, during an event I call Imamgate, when an imam accredited by Al-Azhar University prayed (in Arabic) for Allah to grant victory over the unbelievers.

This incident received very little media attention, yet it was one of the most important stories of the decade. We are in the midst of an information war with Islam, and we are being roundly trounced. What happened at the Vatican received plenty of notice in the Arabic media, and is understood (correctly) by Muslims as a great victory for Islam. Using stealth and deception, the Al-Azhar imam penetrated the innermost sanctum of Christendom and claimed it for the Ummah.

An excellent article by someone who really understands what’s going on — unlike most of our government.

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